Vontaze Burfict: The Reason We Have These Rules

Vontaze Burfict: The Reason We Have These Rules


All the time I hear people talking about how the game of football has gone soft.  Fans are saying they "mind as well play flag football" and to some extent, I agree with that.  There have been a lot of questionable "unnecessary roughness" penalties the past few seasons there have also been a few that absolutely needed to be called and resulted in penalties and fines.  

  To the players in the NFL the game is their life, so I usually understand that sometimes they get too hot and do something a little irrational but for the most part, those players show some remorse and didn't mean to hurt anyone. Basically, what I'm saying is that there is a difference between passion and being malicious. This brings us to Vontaze Burfict.

           Vontaze has a history of being needlessly reckless and endangering anyone around him. Burfict seems to never miss an opportunity to take a cheap shot or make a dirty hit on a defenseless receiver.  I'm not going to beat around the bush here, honestly, there is no other words to describe Burfict other than a total disgrace.  

     On Sunday, September 29th, Indianapolis Colts tight end Jack Doyle caught a low pass on his knees.  At this point, Doyle was down and all that the defense needed to do was touch him. But Vontaze Burfict saw a defenseless receiver and took this opportunity to run full speed and torpedo dive leading with his helmet and shooting his full weight into Doyle.  By some miracle, Jack Doyle stood up and continued to play. For this hit, Vontaze Burfict was ejected from the game rightfully so and I can't say that what happened next surprised me in any way. 

         After being ejected Vontaze Burfict ran off the field laughing and blowing kisses to the crowd and he did so with the knowledge that he could've seriously injured someone. It was these actions and the actions of Burfict's past that led to the linebacker being suspended for the rest of the year. Honestly, I don't have a lot of words on this subject, at least none that I'm allowed to put in this article. 

   I would say Vontaze Burfict should be ashamed of himself, but we all know he isn't, he made that very clear.  If you ask me, he should be banned from the NFL permanently. I'm not saying that you need to help a guy up and give him a hug after every tackle, but maliciously attacking a defenseless player as Burfict often does has no place in any sport. 

-By: Ryan Johnson

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