Patriots vs Steelers Week 1?

Patriots vs Steelers Week 1?


Well the NFL wasted no time, kicking off one of the NFL’s most anticipated games during Week 1. The Patriots vs Steelers. The teams play just about every season alternating who is at home. This season is no different except with one condition. When the game is played.

For the most part, the game is held late in the season between late November and mid-December. The match is usually an end of season fight between the teams for who will get the first-round bye. Or who will get home field advantage? Fans travel from all over to see the game.

But now? Now this game is different. This game might matter even more than it did in the past for both teams. With New England consistently being dominant in the AFC they want to start off strong. They also want to win because they lost their last matchup vs the Steelers. This time is different. They are home, and they want to look in control.

On the other side, the Steelers don’t seem as dominant this year. With the rise of the Ravens and Browns, they don’t seem to be a division favorite. However, kicking off their season with a win against the Patriots is huge. It shows they have the team to be contenders as the season moves forward.

The NFL knew exactly what they were doing when they planned this matchup. They made this game week 1 at 8:20 for a reason. It's going to be primetime. This game is going to get more exposure than it has in years. Everybody will be watching. It will be the game of the week for sure. This means more advertising revenues. I like it. The NFL made a great move.

We should expect this game to be high scoring. I see both teams putting up a minimum of four touchdowns respectively. When it’s all said and done the game is going to come down to who has the ball last.  And whoever has the ball last will be the winner. Unless for some reason they aren’t able to score the necessary points on their final drive to secure the win.

-By: Julius Jefferson

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