Hey Quarterback! You’re not that good

Hey Quarterback! You’re not that good


Every sports fan loves to debate who's top 5 and top 10 in the game. We even like to debate who's top 5 of all time and these debates are ever changing and they can last forever. I love to debate them as well because the banter and reasonings are hilarious, but when was the last time you ranked the worst 5 players in the league? That's much tougher right? So let's do that, let's rank the worst 5 projected starting QBs coming into this season.

I do this every year because it's much easier to gage a true ranking. Most people have a very hard time making a top 5 list because there are so many great players and we tend to only look at the cream of the crop. But I'm here to tell you to look at the bottom feeders to get a much clearer picture. Please note, I'm not saying these QB's are horrible, even though I do think some of them are. What I'm really pointing out is that they're really backups at best; and at worst, not even in the league. Before I tell you which Qbs are the worst let me explain how I came up with my list. I took the worst QB in each division and ranked them accordingly as I believe that is the most effective and accurate way to get to a true ranking. Now onto the rankings.

The very worst projected starting QB coming into this is on the Miami Dolphins. I say this because it's either going to be Ryan Fitzpatrick or Josh Rosen. Neither Qb has had much success in the league and before you try to say anything about Fitzpatrick please know the facts. He's started 126 out of 141 games played and he's only had 1 winning season. Josh Rosen started 13 of 14 games played and threw for 2,200 yards on top of having a 3-10 record. He's now been traded after just 1 season and some even believe he could be the next Brett Favre, good luck with that one.

The 2nd worst projected starting QB is Case Keenum. To be honest putting him on my list maybe nullified because Washington just drafted Qb Dwayne Haskins from Ohio St. Nevertheless, Keenum has only been a projected starter once in his entire career and that was this past season in Denver and he went 6-10 and like anybody with some sort of eye for non-talent, the Broncos got rid of him.

The 3rd worst starting Qb is Nick Foles. Now I will say this, he's one of the smartest Qb's in the league outside of Sam Bradford, you'll catch that one later. Foles has been a Godsend to the Philadelphia Eagles and their fans as he bought them their only Super Bowl victory in franchise history. But what has he done outside of the Eagles? While starting 11 games for the Rams he threw for 2,052 yards 7 TDs 10 ints with a 4-7 record. He goes to the Chiefs with the coach that drafted him and had only 1 start. Needless to say, they too got rid of him. He's never thrown for over 3,000 yards and he too has never been a day 1 projected starter and there's a reason for that. Foles isn't the worst but he's very close.

The 4th worst Qb on my list is Joe Flacco. Now I've always been a believer in Flacco because he is a winner, in fact since winning the Superbowl he's only had 1 season when he wasn't at least 8-8. This ranking is more so based on his age and the amount of Qb's I wouldn't take over him. It's only the 3 I just talked about. I was very high on Flacco producing last year but being he's in a new system, being replaced by Lamar Jackson, and when some think Jackson isn't even a good QB, let's me know why Flacco needs to be on this list. Also, review all the Qbs that started in Denver since Peyton Manning. Not good.

Since I'm on the Manning's why not stay there as the 5th worst starting Qb this year is Eli Manning. Eli is 4 years older than Flacco and the Giants are a mess right now and to be transparent it has a lot to do with Eli. Though his stats haven't changed much because he still manages to eclipse the 4,000-yard mark and has done so 4 out of the last 5 seasons. But in that same 5 seasons, he has only 1 winning season which has really shown the decline in his decision making. That decision making slide has led to 68 ints with an average of 14 per season over the last 5. Not the best attribute to have as a Super Bowl winning veteran Qb. Because of that, this is why Eli makes the cut. Please leave a comment as to who should be on our take off.

-By: Reggie Thomas Jr.

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