Building My Favorite Football Movie Franchise
As a weird 2020 NFL season comes to a close, a pandemic that has been affecting us all still continues. Many fans are hurting as their chances of attending games and seeing some of their favorite players live on Sundays is uncontrollable. So, let's take a look and reflect on some of my favorite TV shows and movies revolving around the game of football. There are many players up for debate for each position but here is a roster that I have formed from what I have seen.
QB Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass, QB (Remember the Titans)
A new kid with thick blonde hair randomly showed up one day to one of Coach Herman Boone’s practices, throwing a pass that happened to spiral into team captain Gary Bertier’s neck. A rough start with the team was nothing for Sunshine and some interesting decisions in the locker room eventually won T.C. Williams over, when they were forced to play him due to injury. A left-handed quarterback is always a fun time and with the arm strength that comes along with Bass, he is a guy you want on your side. Definition of a face of the franchise type of guy, that won’t let anyone stand in his way.
QB 2 Joe Kingman (The Game Plan)
The “Rock” Dwayne Johnson plays a superstar quarterback in this Disney film, during a promising season for the Boston Rebels he is surprised with the appearance of his daughter, who was living with his unknowingly late ex-wife. As the movie started to come together Kingman turned out to be a great father who led his teammates to a championship. He was able to help his daughter with her ballet as she helped him increasingly become a better teammate and a less selfish player. Joe’s running ability combined with his massive frame should align well with a backup quarterback role considering he does have a knack for taking the big hits when playing, health is a concern.
FB Tim Riggins (Friday Night Lights)
In the televised version of Friday Night Lights, it focuses on a few main players, one of who is Tim Riggins. Riggins lives with his brother in the town of Dillon where no one cares about much besides what that scoreboard says on Friday night. Tim has been through a lot of adversity being raised by his brother Billy after his Dad left they had to fight for everything. Even though there are some off the field and character issues with number thirty-three, the fire and strength he plays the fullback position with are one any team could use. He was a big part of the passing game for the Dillon Panthers as well not just clearing out lanes all day for his teammate Brian Williams.
RB 1 Earl Megget (The Longest Yard)
Even though Megget needed a little convincing from Paul Crewe to join the Mean Machine he became one of their most vital pieces in route to victory against the guards. Megget was mistreated by the guards during the whole movie and was finally able to get his revenge as well as the rest of the convicts after they were convinced to join in motivation to beatdown the guards. Megget is fast and explosive, he can catch the ball and has enough strength to run hard through contact.
RB 2 Brian “Smash” Williams (Friday Night Lights)
Smash Williams another one of Coach Eric Taylor’s terrific players was a legend at Dillon High. He led the Panthers to multiple state championships and eventually went on to play at Texas A&M. Smash can do anything and is an absolute unit. If you’re looking for a running back who can lead your team with his talent and voice. Even though Williams has an injury history he has proven he can win games and comeback when doubted.
WR Rod Tidwell (Jerry Maguire)
Tidwell is a character hard not to love in the classic Jerry Maguire. He’s a veteran wide-receiver who is dealing with the contract issues that agents and players of today’s game know well. Tidwell decided to not take a 3-year contract he was offered, he bet on himself and his agent Jerry Maguire to lead him through a successful season that would result in a large contract. Tidwell is a family man who is not shy about his confidence in any way. He was able to come up big with a playoff-clinching win for his Arizona Cardinals team where he was the main man. Tidwell is a fan favorite that keeps everyone on their feet.
WR Deacon Moss (The Longest Yard)
Moss played by Michael Irvin doesn’t join the Mean Machine as quickly as Megget does. He first appears in a scene with Paul Crewe where he beats Crewe to a pulp during a basketball game. After Moss figured out that the cons would get to play the guards he immediately joined the team and played wideout. The size on the outside was too much for the guards to handle even though he runs his mouth just as much as the real Michael Irvin he backs it up with his play and helps Paul Crewe get some revenge.
WR Greg Jenko (22 Jump Street)
Channing Tatum stars with Jonah Hill in a comedy where the two agents go back to college. Jenko becomes an immediate hero on campus winning over the starting quarterback. He then joins the team and becomes a success story quickly. Even though his eligibility was in question Jenko was effective in his time on the gridiron. Maybe not a football movie but who doesn’t love this movie?
TE Brian Murphy (The Replacements)
One of Shane Falco’s main targets Brian Murphy was an amazing story in The Replacements. The deaf tight end would’ve been a big-time draft pick if it weren’t for his disability. There are not many more fictional athletes who had to overcome more than Murphy. He helped the Generals and Falco’s squad play with more heart and passion as the movie went on.
OL Louie Lastik (Remember the Titans)
Lastik is a memorable character on the T.C. Williams team. He had a few defining moments that helped the team come together throughout their season unlike any other. Lastik was one of the first players to mix with the opposite race, most notably singing “Ain’t no mountain high enough” in a classic scene showing the coming together of a diverse team. Louie may not be the toughest or mechanically skilled lineman but he is a team player who everyone can trust.
OL Billy Bob (Varsity Blues)
Billy Bob adds to the toughness we have on this team already. In Varsity Blues Billy Bob showed the strength and courage to play through anything. He went through some tough challenges during the year playing through a concussion and his coach’s overly aggressive approach.
OL Bud Kaminski (The Program)
Bud’s overalls and wacky jeans gave some the wrong approach about him. He proved to be a tough blocker who wouldn’t back down from anyone the trash talk that Kaminski dealt was his calling card.
DL Charles Jefferson (Fast Times at Ridgemont High)
Jefferson was the wrong person to mess with and that is exactly what happened during this movie. The rival Lincoln High trashed and damaged Ridgemont High and Jefferson wasn’t going to let anyone disrespect his school and team. This is a man that scares the offensive lineman who literally shakes in fear of Jefferson as he bounces back and forth eyeing down the ball pre-snap. He is impossible to leave off of this list.
DL Julius Campbell (Remember the Titans)
Campbell the tough-nosed defensive-end was a grump throughout training camp, but as T.C Williams began to win and come together he became a core part of their team. He befriended defensive captain Gary Bertier who was originally against integrating colored players on his roster. These two had a bond like no other on and off the field. “Strongside, Weakside!”
DL Switowski (The Longest Yard)
Switowski is a little bit of everything in the (2004) The Longest Yard appearing as an angry man who likes to hurt people, but then becomes a softee throughout the movie as his friendships with his teammates grow. He still uses some of that anger on the field when the guards tooled with the cons throughout the practices and into the huge game. I bet Paul Crewe, a former pro quarterback, would vouch for this man any day of the week.
LB Vontae Mack (Draft Day)
Vontae Mack played by the great late Chadwick Boseman is a special player. At first, the Browns front office wasn’t sold on Mack as he appeared to have some character issues. After getting to know Mack, GM Sonny Weaver pointed out that Vontae is a true standup guy and was what they were looking for in future Brown. The scene that everyone remembers is his reaction to going number one in the draft. This man was doubted and had it set in his mind that other teams would think what the Browns and Weaver’s front office thought at first glance. Instead, the Ohio State product proved everyone wrong and ended up in Cleveland instead of Bo Callahan, the outright best prospect according to most of the league.
LB Becky (The Ice Box) O’Shea (Little Giants)
“The Ice Box” did everything on the football field. One of the meanest and toughest girls you could find in the state of Indiana. Being cut by her own uncle because she was a girl was not gonna stop her from playing football. Even though she is a bit younger than the rest of the players on this list, her domination against bratty teenage boys is fun to watch. Becky and her Dad fielded a new team full of unathletic kids that had no confidence at first. O’Shea had some bumpy moments with the team but the boys knew she could play when they finally began to click as a team as she was the main contributor.
CB Petey Jones (Remember the Titans)
Jones a converted cornerback is a tough matchup on the outside. The physicality and energy he provides a spark to the whole team. He’s got a money-making smile and a cool voice but that doesn’t compare to the talent and versatility that Jones offered for the Titans. He’s a likable character that will be mentally prepared for any opponent.
CB Stefen Djordjevic (All the Right Moves)
Tom Cruise plays Djordjevic who faces all the challenges that a player can face from either teammates or coaches to start the year where he is chasing a scholarship. He fights back and becomes a louder voice that is heard by the team and his coaches. The drive and determination are all there, and with the elite ball skills and confidence, he’ll fit very nicely on this list.
S Luke Cafferty (Friday Night Lights)
Cafferty who at first plays a role with the Dillon Panthers, Texas’ finest is forced to transfer to East Dillon where Eric Taylor coaches an imperfect group of troubled men. Cafferty originally has some problems with his teammates since his friends are still Panthers but the play on the field has never been a question. The Lions eventually rallied around Luke who became a part of a dynamic duo with Vince Howard. He has even proved he can be effective playing through injuries. Whether it was with the ball in his hand or not Cafferty was making his presence felt. Just because of his absolute monster hits we will slot him here at safety.
-By: Sam Kirk