Kyler Murray and Lamar Jackson Contract Situations Begins to Be in Focus


The old saying in the NFL, or sports in general, when it comes to contract situations is “this is the business side of things”. Whenever a big-time player is due for a contract, this phrase is almost guaranteed to be said. While it may not be the case all the time, the business side of things has come really apparent for two quarterbacks: Lamar Jackson and Kyler Murray. While both players have contract disputes or negotiations, both are extremely different in how they got there, specifically for the fact that they are not from the same draft class. Let us dive into each player and what to expect from these negotiations moving forward.

Kyler Murray

QB Kyler Murray is gearing up for his fourth season in the NFL (all with the Cardinals), coming off his first playoff appearance in year three. While making the playoffs, Murray had arguably his worst game as a pro, going 19/34 with 137 yards and two interceptions. The Cardinals lost in blowout fashion by a score of 34-11, while the Rams went on to win the Super Bowl. As the offseason went on, it seemed that Murray and his camp wanted an extension as early as March, which is incredibly early for anyone, let alone a player who has left something to be desired at the end of each season of his career. This led to criticism from multiple reports, stating his lack of leadership and maturity is what is keeping him from getting an extension, as well as other aspects, of course. His camp even posted a letter on Instagram in regard to why he deserves an extension. Nonetheless, it is a headache that has been caused and there have been no reports of any deal or negotiations happening at all. 

It has not been reported and we still have a long way to go until the start of the season while being around a month away from training camp. The tides can change quickly, but so far, it does not seem to be heading in that direction. On the field, Murray is as athletically gifted as they come, but struggles down the stretch in seasons have also caused the Cardinals brass to pause on giving him an extension as well. Murray has also missed time due to injury, including missing three games in 2021. Nothing is set and stone obviously, but I would imagine the Cardinals are going to let Murray play out the fourth season of his five eligible years with the fifth being an option, and see where it goes from there. There is no question that Murray is talented and is in one of those spots where it is tough to find someone better. At the same time though, if the Cardinals do not believe he is the guy to lead their squad, the contract situation will only get more difficult.

Lamar Jackson

While due for an extension as well, QB Lamar Jackson is in a completely different situation than Kyler Murray. From what is reported, the Ravens front office and coaching staff raves about Jackson’s leadership qualities and the maturity level he has shown in his four seasons so far. The biggest issue, if it is even that, is that Jackson is the one that wants to play out his fifth-year option and go from there. Usually, the teams are hesitant to sign, but this is a rare vice versa for this specific negotiation. It is well documented that Jackson does not have an agent either, which is unprecedented for recent memory as well. Jackson is taking the rare “betting on himself” route, which you rarely see in the NFL on a player's first contract, especially at the quarterback position. In other sports it has worked, such as Yankees RF Aaron Judge this year, who declined an extension before the start of the season and is now the favorite to win AL MVP through 70-plus games. Regardless, it is something we rarely see from NFL QB’s, and it does not make things easier for the Ravens.

Jackson has been excellent in his career so far, which includes an MVP in his second season, but 2021 left something to be desired. Jackson was injured for the majority of the season but was not at his best when he was on the field either. In the 12 games, he did play, Jackson scored a total of 18 touchdowns and 16 turnovers, leading to a passer rating of 87. I doubt this season will have any impact on what contract the Ravens offer Jackson, but the injuries might make them hesitate into giving him massive amounts of money. It is unprecedented for a “run-first” quarterback to get a big-time contract, but Jackson might be the first, and rightfully so. Outside of this season, Jackson has never been injured and the injury he suffered was a freak injury on a sack, not a big hit in the open field where he is most vulnerable. Jackson has also shown massive improvements in his passing game, which will also better help his case to get a hefty extension. It should be interesting how this plays out. How many teams will be in on Jackson since he will be a free agent? Can Baltimore convince him to sign one before the season starts? Jackson’s play on the field in 2022. will answer almost every question that you need to know.

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-By: Richie Dordas