The Tiger Woods of the NFL

The Tiger Woods of the NFL


    I know this is an article about football, but today there has been a significant development in the sports world worth discussing. Tiger Woods, remember that guy? Yes, that Tiger Woods has won the Master’s Tournament. Why is this significant to the sports world? Well, Tiger Woods was once considered the greatest athlete in the world. He dominated the entire world of professional golf in the ’90s and early 2000s. Before today he had won 14 major tournaments and set more records than I can count on my hands and toes. The younger generation of sports fans may not realize how dynamic he was and sadly may only know of his personal issues in recent years. But today it seems that Tiger is back, winning his 15th major title. For those of you that still don’t understand the magnitude of what’s happening, think Michael Jordan unretiring and winning an NBA championship; or pretend the Patriots didn’t make the playoffs for the last five years and Tom Brady finally won another Super Bowl this year. Are we getting the relevance now? Good, now that we understand, let’s find out who we think is the Tiger Woods of the football world. Which player was dominant in the past, and will return to their dominant form this year?

    In my opinion, the Tiger Woods of the NFL will be Kareem Hunt. Now I know Kareem Hunt didn’t exactly revolutionize his sport the way that Tiger Woods did, but it’s hard to argue that he wasn’t a huge factor in every game he played in his first two years in the league. His future looked promising, as he was a premier back in the league, and at times looked to be completely unstoppable. Like Tiger Woods, personal drama stunted his ability to perform at his sport; Tiger missing a few years of playing due to personal issues and injuries, Kareem Hunt missing the remainder of this past season after assault claims. But as we learned today, redemption through determination and personal growth is eventually possible. Could Kareem Hunt come back and play at a high level as Tiger has finally achieved? He was picked up by the revamped Cleveland Browns. It remains to be seen what his role will be, but for a back of his talent, I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t redeeming.

-By: Nick Selko

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